HCA Data Explorer

Cardiac cell type-specific gene regulatory programs and disease risk association

Updated October 18, 2024

Misregulated gene expression in human hearts can result in cardiovascular diseases that are leading causes of mortality worldwide. However, the limited information on the genomic location of candidate cis-regulatory elements (cCREs) such as enhancers and promoters in distinct cardiac cell types has restricted the understanding of these diseases. Here, we defined >287,000 cCREs in the four chambers of the human heart at single-cell resolution, which revealed cCREs and candidate transcription factors associated with cardiac cell types in a region-dependent manner and during heart failure. We further found cardiovascular disease-associated genetic variants enriched within these cCREs including 38 candidate causal atrial fibrillation variants localized to cardiomyocyte cCREs. Additional functional studies revealed that two of these variants affect a cCRE controlling KCNH2/HERG expression and action potential repolarization. Overall, this atlas of human cardiac cCREs provides the foundation for illuminating cell type-specific gene regulation in human hearts during health and disease.

Bing RenLudwig Institute for Cancer Researchbiren@health.ucsd.edu
Neil C ChiUniversity of California, San Diegonchi@health.ucsd.edu
Sebastian PreisslUniversity of California, San Diegospreissl@health.ucsd.edu
James D Hocker1
Olivier B Poirion1
Fugui Zhu1
Justin Buchanan1
Kai Zhang2
Joshua Chiou1
Tsui-Min Wang1
Qingquan Zhang1
Xiaomeng Hou1
Yang E Li2
Yanxiao Zhang2
Elie N Farah1
Allen Wang1
Andrew D McCulloch1
Kyle J Gaulton1
Bing Ren2
Neil C Chi1
Sebastian Preissl1
1University of California, San Diego
2Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
Ida Zucchi

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GEO Series Accessions:
GSE165837, GSE165838, GSE165839
INSDC Study Accessions:


HeartHeart v1.0

Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity


Organ Part

4 organ parts

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)


Development Stage

human adult stage

Library Construction Method

2 library construction methods

Nucleic Acid Source

single nucleus

Paired End

false, true

Analysis Protocol

ATAC_cluster, ATAC_matrix, ATAC_merge, RNA_umap, raw_matrix_generation

File Format

4 file formats

Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

mtx.gz16 file(s)tsv.gz4 file(s)txt.gz33 file(s)xlsx1 file(s)