HCA Data Explorer

Human subcutaneous and visceral adipocyte atlases uncover classical and non-classical adipocytes and depot-specific patterns

Updated November 26, 2024

Human adipose depots are functionally distinct. Yet, recent single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) analyses largely uncovered overlapping/similar cell-type landscapes. We hypothesized that adipocytes subtypes, differentiation trajectories, and/or intercellular communication patterns could illuminate this depot similarity-difference gap. For this, we performed snRNA-seq of human subcutaneous/visceral adipose tissues (5/10 samples, respectively). Of 27,665 adipocyte nuclei in both depots, the majority were “classical”, namely- enriched in lipid metabolism pathways. However, we also observed “non-classical” adipocyte subtypes, enriched in immune-related, extracellular matrix deposition (fibrosis), vascularization/angiogenesis, or ribosomal processes. Pseudo-temporal analysis showed a developmental trajectory from adipose progenitor cells to classical adipocytes via non-classical adipocytes, suggesting that the classical state stems from loss, rather than gain, of specialized functions. Lastly, intercellular communication routes were consistent with the different inflammatory tone of the two depots. Jointly, these findings provide a high-resolution view into the contribution of cellular composition, differentiation, and intercellular communication patterns to human fat depot differences.

Esti Yeger-LotemBen-Gurion University of the Negevestiyl@bgu.ac.il
Assaf RudichBen-Gurion University of the Negevrudich@bgu.ac.il
Or Lazarescu1
Maya Ziv-Agam1
Juman Jubran1
Daniel Kitsberg2
Matthias Blüher3
Rinki Murphy4
Antje Körner5
Naomi Habib2
Yulia Haim1
Idan Hekselman1
Idit Liberty1
Ariel Shneyour1
Oleg Dukhno1
Liron Levin1
Uri Yoel1
Miriam Adam2
Habib Muallem1
Alon Zemer1
Marina Rosengarten-Levin1
Julia Braune6
Claudia Müller6
Nora Raulien6
Martin Gericke6
Esti Yeger-Lotem1
Assaf Rudich1
1Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
2Hebrew University of Jerusalem
3Helmholtz Zentrum Munich
4University of Auckland
5University of Leipzig
6Leipzig University

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Analysis Portals


Project Label



Homo sapiens

Sample Type


Anatomical Entity

adipose tissue

Organ Part

2 organ parts

Selected Cell Types


Disease Status (Specimen)


Disease Status (Donor)

diabetes mellitus (disease)

Development Stage

9 development stages

Library Construction Method

10x 3' v3

Nucleic Acid Source

single nucleus

Paired End


File Format


Cell Count Estimate


Donor Count

fastq144 file(s)