Single-cell transcriptomics of East-Asian pancreatic islets cells
Updated October 18, 2024Single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) of pancreatic islets have reported on α- and β-cell gene expression in mice and subjects of predominantly European ancestry. We aimed to assess these findings in East-Asian islet-cells. 448 islet-cells were captured from three East-Asian non-diabetic subjects for scRNA-seq. Hierarchical clustering using pancreatic cell lineage genes was used to assign cells into cell-types. Differentially expressed transcripts between α- and β-cells were detected using ANOVA and in silico replications of mouse and human islet cell genes were performed. We identified 118 α, 105 β, 6 δ endocrine cells and 47 exocrine cells. Besides INS and GCG, 26 genes showed differential expression between α- and β-cells. 10 genes showed concordant expression as reported in rodents, while FAM46A was significantly discordant. Comparing our East-Asian data with data from primarily European subjects, we replicated several genes implicated in nuclear receptor activations, acute phase response pathway, glutaryl-CoA/tryptophan degradations and EIF2/AMPK/mTOR signaling. Additionally, we identified protein ubiquitination to be associated among East-Asian β-cells. We report on East-Asian α- and β-cell gene signatures and substantiate several genes/pathways. We identify expression signatures in East-Asian β-cells that perhaps reflects increased susceptibility to cell-death and warrants future validations to fully appreciate their role in East-Asian diabetes pathogenesis. Overall design: 448 islet-cells were captured from three East-Asian non-diabetic subjects for scRNA-seq. 223 islet-cells remained after samples QC, and these cells were used for subsequent analyses. Hierarchical clustering using pancreatic cell lineage genes was used to assign cells into cell-types. We identified 118 α and 105 β endocrine cells in our dataset.
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Analysis Portals
NoneProject Label
Homo sapiens
Sample Type
Anatomical Entity
Organ Part
islet of Langerhans
Selected Cell Types
Disease Status (Specimen)
Disease Status (Donor)
Development Stage
human adult stage
Library Construction Method
Fluidigm C1-based library preparation
Nucleic Acid Source
single cell
Paired End
trueFile Format
Cell Count Estimate
223Donor Count